27 November 2011

Reading through the lovely Brooke's blog, I found this picture and couldn't help but save it, post it on here, and will probably print it, stick it in every notebook I own, and then frame it above my desk. For any creative souls out there, you need to read this. It's single-handedly the best piece of inspiration I've ever read-

In other news, my family is currently falling apart and I've had a really, really rough couple of days. I mean full blown mental breakdown, crying on my bathroom floor rough couple of days. I'm doing everything in my power to stay positive and upbeat but it has not been easy at all. I am currently trying to decided if I should spend my holidays here in Ohio with a family who honestly doesn't seem to want anything to do with me, to intrude on my boyfriends family for all of the holidays, or fly out to Los Angeles to spend it there with my dad and stepmom who don't even really celebrate holidays. Obviously, none of which seem like good options- but I will have to pick one. On top of all of that, I am also trying to stay caught up and do well in these last two weeks of classes before exams....more stress than I can seem to bare right now ): Just searching for something to keep me going, hopefully hearing from Ryans boss tomorrow about a website to design will keep me occupied enough to keep my mind off of things. I hope all of you lovelies are having better days than me. Xo

1 comment:

kitten roar said...

that is such a great and motivational picture. i've seen it a few times, but every time, i stop and read it to myself as a little reminder :)

and i hope things straighten out for you soon xo

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