17 November 2011

Scrolling through blogs I find tons of blogs with cute recipes, nice designs, and other things that I might find useful to have; when this happens I typically bookmark it, write some of them down in my notebook so I'm sure to go back to it, and if it's really exciting- even try them out immediately. But what this ends in is a thousand bookmarks and too many open tabs for my laptop to even load most of the pictures and it hardly gets me really involved in a particular blog or blogger because I never spend enough time on their site for me to get to really understand their personality that they portray through their blogs.

Caitlin of Hue and Hum is entirely different! I could stay up for hours reading about her new painting, the new song her love is putting out, and other random personal posts. She's such a crafty women, seems like an amazing wife, and has more talents than I could even begin to count- and her husband (they call him Hum) is right up there with her in being out-of-this-world! 

So after I spend days on end reading her blog (I still haven't got to the first post, but I'm getting closer) I get to see her blog grow into an amazing artwork and story [only I'm starting at the current and working my way to past.] Anyways, what I was getting at is I am completely addicted. Her writings and photos never fail to amaze me, even if Ryan is probably sick of me either not coming to bed when he tucks away or sitting in bed with him with my laptop making way too bright of a light- him trying to sleep, me reading pages on pages of beautiful love between these two people. 

But it's now 2AM, and I want to get back to moving things into the new apartment so that is all I have for now. I suggest going here to read about them, and then here to just read through their blog! Enjoy!

Some of my favorite posts by them include:

so those are a few of my favorite posts; though i have tons more! I really hope you guys all take a little while to go read their blog- you will not regret it! 

1 comment:

Gertrude said...

Her blog looks really interesting!! Thanks for sharing. x

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